Egy Blanco Company 

EGY Blanco Guards specialize in providing security services and security strategies. The company's founders have a wealth of diverse expertise in the field of security services, information technology and enterprise management in the field of security services, information technology and enterprise management, and information security and industrial security strategies over a period of more than 20 years. The company has great prospects for providing highly unique services. The task forces are carefully selected from the security components. According to the needs of each customer and after passing many tests and rigorous checks, taking into account that all our security personnel are trained.

Our policy:

EGY Blanco Guards is based on providing the highest level of service required by the customer. In this regard, the company is committed to its customers.

  • Choose the best elements to perform the required security service
  • Continuous reassessment ensures continued client satisfaction
  • Honesty, honesty and accuracy in providing information to the customer
  • complete confidentiality
  • Customer satisfaction with service is a measure of success

Our Target

EGE Blanco Guards aims to provide outstanding services to its customers through a team of professionals in this field for more than 20 years. Ige Blanco Guards has always sought to provide innovative solutions to reach the highest level of security through highly efficient manual and electronic security systems. Our primary objective is to protect the customer service level through our understanding of the needs of our clients. * This sector also aims at securing conferences, exhibitions, public events and other security services. It also aims to protect life, property and installations for our customers. Our mission is to provide customized solutions to meet their needs in emergency situations, in accordance with domestic and international laws.

Our Vision:

EGY Blanco Guards works within the framework of a specific vision specializing in professional security services and in enhancing the security and safety of its customers through continuous development and the provision of the latest means and techniques of security, observance and quality control, always preparedness to deal with different dangers and always work in achieving the objectives of customers in the fields of security and occupational safety

Our Future vision:

EGY Blanco Guards is working to transfer the expertise of European and American foreign insurance by working with more than one international company working in the various advanced security fields within the framework of a specific vision specializing in professional security services