Security and public safety training
In the interest of the company's management to provide distinguished and advanced services, both in terms of selection and selection of the optimal security officer in accordance with the conditions and specifications of experience, efficiency and commitment, the company has established a training department based on experienced and qualified trainers to provide training and qualification for individuals theoretically and practically through a training plan, whether in the company's training center or in work sites, which includes preparing the security man psychologically and physically and training them on the basic duties of guarding, first aid, self-defense and combating Fire, communication, report writing, methods of customer satisfaction, and rehabilitation of courses from inside and outside Egypt and these courses.
- Qualifying bodyguards cadres
- Self-defense
- Crisis Management
- Inspection, surveillance, alarms and control of entrances
- Public Safety, First Aid and Fire Fighting
- Use of means of communication, monitoring and tracking
- Airport Security
- Occupational Safety and Security
- Protocol and the art of dealing with VIP service
- Developing the field skills of security men
- Guarding the facility and dealing with its risks
- Security Skills
- Recent trends in security supervision
- Advanced techniques in preparing contingency plans
- Driving skills protection important processions
- Development of industrial security guards