Training of security officers

There is a dedicated section for security training under the supervision of an elite group of highly skilled specialists in the fields of security, guarding, occupational safety and health, civil protection, and human defense, comprising officers from the military and police. The company's management exerts the utmost effort in selecting and evaluating the officers working within the company, carefully choosing individuals based on well-studied scientific principles established by specialized experts in various fields. Outstanding candidates undergo a training course at the company’s headquarters to study and enhance their skills. The following topics:

  • Facilities security with its various divisions
  • Etiquette and Conduct
  • Various Evacuation Plans
  • Personal Paging Devices and Wired & Wireless Security Communications
  • Fire and How to Combat It
  • Reception and Public Relations
  • Civil Protection
    Combating Subversive and Destructive Activities
  • Weapons and Equipment
  • Registration in Logs (Site Incident Log – Visitor Log – Vehicle Log)
  • And any new requirements from the client.

How to Select Individuals

The company management exerts the utmost effort in testing the individuals working with them, and individuals are selected based on principles from various fields:

A- The following conditions must be met by the individual applying for a job at the company:

1- Must have a university or intermediate qualification.

2- The height should not be less than 170 cm.

3- Military service completion is preferred.

4- Must have high physical fitness.

5- A strong sense of security awareness must be present.

B- The individual applying to the company must pass several tests, which are as follows:

1- Physical Appearance Test

2- Psychological and Cultural Test

3- Medical Test: The individual must undergo a medical examination to prove the absence of any physical ailments.

4- Conducting an investigation and background check on the individual and their family members by the company’s intelligence department.

After the individual successfully passes the aforementioned tests, the following steps are taken:

Training individuals on the following:

A- Security in its various departments, etiquette and conduct, and various evacuation plans.

Personal Paging Devices and Wired & Wireless Security Communications

Fire and How to Combat It

Reception and Public Relations

Civil Protection
Combating Subversive and Destructive Activities

Weapons and equipment, along with some legal materials.

Registration in Logs (Site Incident Log – Visitor Log – Vehicle Log)

First: Duties of the Security Officer

1- The security officer ensures that the facility has requested this worker's services.

2- The security officer receives the worker's identification (no other cards are accepted).

3- The security officer lists the number, tools, and equipment the worker possesses and records them in the designated logbook.

4- The officer directs the worker to the designated work area inside and ensures they stay within authorized areas, confronting them with the security instructions.

5- The security officer inspects the worker upon exit, checking any items they are carrying and comparing them to what was recorded upon entry. Any items exceeding those authorized are confiscated unless there is an official written permission from the authorized personnel.

Secondly: Group Work

1- The security officer receives a list of names of workers, approved by the responsible contractor.

2- The security officer compares the names in the list with the individuals based on each person’s identification.

3- The security officer keeps the personal IDs until the work is completed.

4- The security officer ensures that the responsible contractor submits a new list of workers daily, even if there are no changes in the numbers or individuals. This makes the contractor responsible for the actions of their workers inside.

5- The officer directs the workers to the designated work area inside and ensures they stay within the authorized areas, confronting them with the security instructions.

6- The security officer inspects the workers when exiting, checking any items they are carrying and comparing them to what was recorded upon entry. Any items exceeding those authorized are confiscated, except for those with written approval from the operations manager.

Vehicle Entry and Exit Instructions: 

First: Passenger Vehicles

Vehicles Belonging to the Facility:

a. The security officer directs authorized vehicles to the designated parking areas.

b. The security officer obtains permission from the responsible person to inspect the vehicle upon its exit.

c. The security officer calls for the vehicles of senior staff at the designated exit area at least 10 minutes before the responsible person leaves, and inspects the vehicle during this period.

d. No items are allowed to be taken out of the premises without written authorization from the responsible person.

External Vehicles:

a. The security officer directs authorized vehicles to the designated parking areas.

b. The security officer asks the driver to inform him of any items inside the vehicle that need to be recorded before entering.

c. The security officer monitors the vehicle and driver in the designated waiting areas.

d. The security officer inspects the vehicle upon exit. The operations manager is responsible and will not permit any items to leave without authorization from the responsible person.

Instructions for Welcoming Visitors

Visitors are welcomed at the security office in a manner that ensures a good impression of the facility.

The security officer inquires with the visitor about the intended destination within the facility.

The security officer contacts the relevant department to obtain approval for the visit, ensuring this process is smooth and does not inconvenience the visitor or host.

Once permission is granted, the security officer requests an ID (no other forms of identification are accepted) and records the visitor's details in the visitor logbook. The ID is replaced with an authorized visitor pass, which the visitor is instructed to wear visibly.

The security officer directs the visitor to the designated area after confirming they are not carrying prohibited items, such as weapons or other items specified by the facility.

If the visitor is carrying a weapon, the officer ensures the weapon is safely secured, separates the ammunition, records the weapon's serial number in the appropriate log, and provides the visitor with a receipt for the weapon. The officer will return the receipt when the visitor leaves, after confirming the weapon’s return in the logbook.

The security officer tracks the visitor's time inside, ensuring they remain in the designated area and comply with the facility’s regulations.

The security officer tracks the visitor's time inside, ensuring they remain in the designated area and comply with the facility’s regulations.

Upon the visitor's departure, the security officer checks any items the visitor may be taking with them, ensuring any items removed are authorized and recorded. 

The security officer collects the visitor pass and returns the visitor's ID, maintaining a positive image of the facility during both the welcoming and departure processes.

Instructions for Welcoming Official Committees and Government Representatives

The security officer must verify the identity of the visitor and their affiliation with the government entity using (the personal ID and the government agency ID card). No other forms of identification will be accepted.

The security officer should extend proper hospitality, ensuring a warm welcome and preparing a waiting area for the visitors until approval is granted from the responsible person for their meeting. The officer must be diligent in ensuring the visitors do not feel discomfort or impatience during their wait.

For pre-scheduled and agreed visits, the security officer informs the responsible person about the arrival and directs the visitors to the reception area within the facility.

Official inspections by government security authorities may only take place with a written authorization, stamped with the national seal, issued by the Public Prosecution Office. The authorization must specify the facility's name and the inspection date clearly. The responsible person must be notified of the inspection and be present before it begins.

In all cases, the security officer should use effort and discretion in dealing with individuals, regardless of their personalities or roles, maintaining a high level of responsibility to ensure the facility remains secure and protected from any fraudulent activities, identity theft, or impersonation.

Instructions for Inspection and Seizure

The security officer must perform personal searches on individuals identified for inspection from employees, following the methods and regulations they have been trained on (for both men and women).

The security officer must seize any unauthorized items being taken out and record them in the designated log. The officer must notify the responsible person of the seizure, provide the name of the individual caught, and await instructions from the responsible person. The seized items must be handed over to the administration with a handover report, signed by the responsible person.

The security officer must ensure that no individuals are carrying weapons into the facility. These weapons must be confiscated from their owners upon entry, a receipt must be issued, and the weapon must be recorded with its serial number in the visitor's log. The weapons are to be stored securely until the owners return to retrieve them after signing for their return.

In case of robbery or intrusion, the security officer must apprehend the intruder or the person involved in the act, increase security at all facility areas, and conduct a thorough search to detect any further threats. The officer should use necessary preventive measures and force if needed. The security group leader or shift leader must prepare an investigation report, have it signed, and contact the responsible person for further instructions. In case of imminent danger, the shift leader must notify the local police station while also informing the responsible person. The arrested individual must be detained until the police arrive, and the police representative must sign off on the detainee's receipt, confirming their safe custody and receiving a copy of the incident report prepared by the security officer.

When the security is tasked with monitoring employee attendance, the security officer must log the employees' arrivals and departures within the designated hours.

When monitoring attendance with a time clock system, the security officer must collect the employees' ID cards at least one hour before the start or end of the workday and place them in the designated slots in the correct order.

The security officer must ensure that employees enter and exit without disrupting operations or delaying their departure.

Employees are not allowed to leave during working hours without prior authorization.

Employees are not permitted to remain on the premises outside official working hours (before or after scheduled work times) without approved authorization from the general manager.

The security team must monitor employees permitted to be on-site before or after official work hours and ensure they are only in designated areas.

The security officer must perform preventive searches of authorized individuals and ensure no prohibited items are brought in or taken out. Any such items must be seized and presented to the responsible person for further action.