EGY BlancoIntegrated security and escort services to protect your property and ensure your safety around the clock Security EscortsResidential and Commercial Facilities SecurityCustomized software design for each organizationInternal investigations (theft - harassment - assault on the workplace, etc.) Planning and Preparation for Collective Action (Mass Evacuation - High Speed Response to Event) Security Control (Physical-Logistics-Personal-Commercial)Staff Studies Procedures Security ConsultingCrisis ManagementSafe AwarenessKeeping abreast of global, regional and local events and providing solutions to them Technological SecurityDesign and management of control rooms Vehicle Tracking systemsClosed-circuit television cameras and networks Parking SystemsE-Gates Integrated Home Protection System Special Events InsuranceBusiness Security Security Training and Public SafetyTraining on how to analyse the underlying causes of safety accidentsFire Fighting Training ProgrammeFirst Aid Training CoursesPlanning and training on medical evacuation Industrial Security Securing factories and companies from fires and natural disastersAnalysis of site capabilities and development of contingency plans for the protection of installations Support ServicesProfessional Trained DogsAdvanced Security with live protectionPerfect Solution for high sensitivity sitesQuick response to any threatEffective Deterrent against hackers